
Creatures / Schticks / Transformation

Transformation lets you change into alternate forms; human animal, some other type of supernatural creature, or even an object such as mist, a rock, a tree, a table, an elevator, or a motorcycle.

Changing form is a 3-shot action that a free interaction stunt as appropriate; most commonly Intimidate.

Alternate Monster Form

You can change into some other supernatural creature. This allows you to rearrange your Schticks and Limitations; you must specify what schticks and flaws your new form has when buying the schtick. Pick a specific supernatural creature to change into; even if you can vary your exact form through Cosmetic Change, you can never change what Schticks you get, except by buying another Monster Form. Your new form must have a Monster Form transformation of its own, or you won't be able to transform back.

You may assign different attributes to each form you take. Use your base attributes and assign the attribute points differently for each form. Your total attribute points must remain the same. If you improve your attributes with experience points in the course of play all of your various forms' attribute's are altered by the same amount.

Huge Form

Some transformers greatly increase in size when they transform. Pick one of your shapes; this shape is now huge, with a +5 bonus to Body, a +2 bonus to Move and a -2 penalty to Agility and Speed. However, it costs two Magic points to transfer to this form, and the transformation only lasts for a single fight or short scene. If you only have one shape you can transfer into, you cannot constantly be in monster form, but this can be overcome by adding Hybrid Form or an Alternate Monster Form.

You can take this ability several times; each time adds +5 to your Body bonus and costs an additional two Magic points to use. Each schtick gives you 800% mass and 200% length. Your approximate size after growth can be read on the Body Benchmark Table. Count on the gamemaster to make this a hindrance on occasion.

You can spend extra schtick pick on reducing the Magic point cost of the Huge transformation, on a one-to-one ratio.

Hybrid Form

You must have some other form of Transformation before taking this power. With this ability you may adopt hybrid forms halfway between the other forms you can change into. For example, if one of your selected forms is a motorcycle you could become a motorcycle with your usual monstrous head between the handlebars. If you have the tentacles schtick the motorbike could have tentacles, and so on. You can use any Creatures Schticks for which you have manifested attributes without breaking your transformation. A hybrid form has all the Limitations and Attributes of one of your Monster Forms.

Mundane Form

Mundane Form is the most common type of transformation; the ability to supress your monstrous nature and become mundane. You cannot use any of your Creature Powers and have none of your ususal limitations when transformed; you become mundane in all ways. The transformation is not illusory; you really change. When you become a mundane, your perceptions, tastes and natural behavior is changed. You must roleplay this, and your disguise is normally impossible to penetrate. Of course, you can still be fooled into revealing yourself, a sharp investigator may pick up clues to your trye self, and there are supernatural means of penetrating such a disguise.

Most transformers shift between a fully human form and your moster form with this ability. Shifting to human form allows you to include whatever clothes you last wore. Some creatures have another basic form, such as an animal or even an object, reflecting their origin. More on this below. You always retain human-level senses and reasoning ability, but your outlook changes.

Animal Form As an animal, your attributes change to those of a typical Animal of your chosen species, and your perception and world-view also changes dramatically. If your normal attributes are extreme, this has some impact on your attributes in animal form; for each four points your attribute exceeds 5, add one to the corresponding animal attribute. You can use your Powers skill to dodge, make movement stunts and make unarmed attacks while in animal form.

Elemental Form You may choose to change your form into some base elemental substance. Examples include mist, or water, or rock. While in elemental form, you can take no action beside hiding, sneaking and moving, but you gain the use of the Blur Form power. You cannot attack or speak or use any skills or powers. It still has your normal Dodge because you are still a supernatural creature. If the elemental form is solid, like a rock, it has Armor adds equal to your Magic. If it is ephemeral, such as water or mist, it normally suffers no more than a single Wound Point from any physical attack.

Object Form If you become an object, you gain all the usual abilities of that object. Your GM has final say on what the usual abilities of any object might be. You keep your own skills, but cannot use any skill that requires limbs you don't have. You can still use Dodge, your supernatural abilities still protect you. Your physical attributes become those of a typical object of your type, but you still take damage as a living creature does. The GM has final say on what type of object you can become; in general anything larger than a car shouldn't be allowed, and things like an ICBM is right out.

Transformation Control

You can vary the exact form you take; if you are (or change into) a woman, you can vary your hair color, clothing style and other features, if have the form of a motorcycle you could decide upon any brand or type when each change.