
Creatures / Schticks / Side Effect

Your attacks can have some special side effect beside straightforward WoundPoints. When you damage a foe, you can elect to halve the actual Wound Points inflicted and get some special side effect for the remainder. The specific Side Effect must be decided upon when the schtick is bough.

If you purchase this schtick several times, you can only use one Side Effect at the time. You can always elect not to use your Side Effect, if you don't want to.

Armor Biter

Reduce opponents Armor Rating by your side effect value. If the side effect matches the protective add of your opponent's armor, it is ripped right off.


You smite your opponents so powerfully they are hurled about.

A knockback or throw hurls the target one meter per wound point inflicted. If the if the target is thrown, he also loses a shot regaining his balance.

Weapon Biter

If the Side Effect points match the close-combat damage add of the weapon, it is destroyed. Pistols do +2 in close combat, rifles do +3.