
Creatures / Schticks / Sense Sin

You can sense when anyone does a particular type of immoral act nearby, selected when the power is bought. Generate a Powers total and compare it to the target's Willpower, you will know the sinners exact location for an hour per point of outcome.

Taking this schtick several times either allows you to sense several different sins, or gives you a mystic contact with the victim, allowing the use Creatures powers without even seeing him, as long as you can sense him with Sense Sin. With one extra schtick you can use other powers normally requiring line of sight. With two extra schticks, you can use powers requiring touch.

Typical sins as defined by this power are; Lying, stealing, gluttony, infidelity, murder, ambush, sorcery and arcanoweaving. Even seemingly good acts that contradicts your own moral code can be a sin. Thus, you can impose your own twisted ethics on the world. Examples of such perverted sins include charity, mercy, chastity, or honor.

Detect Evil

You can sense characters and creatures who are aligned strongly against you. For most supernatural creatures, this includes monster hunters and general do-gooders and busybodies, but an angelic creature would sense more conventional evil. Examples include religious opponents, heretics, atheists, meat-eaters, communists, criminals and similar broad groups that are anathema to you. You cannot spend additional schticks to gain power over your evil opponents.

Find Champion

A variant of Detect Evil, that detects potential followers of your own credo. Highly useful for finding potential recruits for Corruption. You can take additional schtick picks in this variant.