
Creatures / Schticks / Insubstantial

You may pass through solid matter as a 3-shot action. You have a basic sense inside the material as you move, so you know when you are about to emerge.

You must specify a type of matter you cannot pass through; this should be a broad category like "metal", "stone" or "organic matter". A common variant is where you cannot pass through astrally active substances; this includes all living things as well as the earth itself; soil and bedrock.

You can never pass through a Summoning: Purification or a wall made by Forces in this way.

This does not make you immune to damage; buy DamageImmunity for that.


An extra schtick pick can reduce this to a single, definite substance such as "lead", "bedrock" or "living bodies".

Another option for an extra schtick pick is the option to bring others a long; a number of people equal to your Magic at the cost of a Magic point.