
Creatures / Schticks / Dual Attack

This lets you combine two kinds of attacks: generally one [Blast](Creatures/Schticks/Blast.html "Creatures/Schticks/Blast") and one other attack (which can also be a [Blast](Creatures/Schticks/Blast.html "Creatures/Schticks/Blast"), but just as often [Abysmal Spines](Creatures/Schticks/AbysmalSpines.html "Creatures/Schticks/AbysmalSpines") ). You must specify the combination when taking Dual Attack, but you may specify several combinations for additional schticks. You must of course posess both the attacks you wish to combine, and you cannot combine an attack with itself.

Specify one of the attacks as primary; if this hits, make a second roll and add the result of the die roll (instead of the attack Outcome) to the second damage rating.