
Creatures / Schticks / Domination

You can overcome the wills of others and force them to do your bidding. You must be able to see the victim of the Domination in the eye, and he must be able to see you. (A two-way video link is acceptable for example). You spend two Magic points and make a Powers check against your victim's Willpower. There is no way to use Dodge against this ability.

In an intense situation, such as combat, the instruction only lasts one shot per point of Outcome. Unless the Outcome matches the target’s Willpower, it will only cause the target to lose shots in confusion, not to actually do anything.

Out of combat, it lasts about a minute per point of Outcome, but again the target will not do things alien to him unless the Outcome matches his Willpower. You can spend extra Magic points to take the duration to hours, days and then to weeks.

Posthypnotic suggestions cost an extra Magic point and can lie dormant and activate at a later time.

Your victim will normally recall being dominated. If you spend an Magic point, he will have only the vagiest memories and a sense of missing time, while two points will make the victim blissfully unaware that he has been dominated. Lost memories can be recovered through hypnotic regression or intensive use of Influence or similiar powers. You can spend two extra Magic points to make the memories unrecoverable.

For each extra schtick you put into this ability, the Magic point cost is reduced by two.

Minion Domnation

There is a special variant of the Domination schtick described under Corruption. This version never costs Magic points to use.