
Creatures / Schticks / Dispel Magic

You can negate any Chi-based ability with a duration that you encounter. This can be Creatures, Sorcery, Arcanotech, Fu, Races and magical Items abilities, or perhaps some other skill.

Make a Powers roll against the Action Value that generated the effect you wish to negate. If you make it, that power is negated. You cannot remove permanent magics this easily, but it can still be done.

Long-lasting curses and magical effects, like those created with Fertility: Permanency, can always be negated by performing the correct deeds. This might involve some semi-impossible taks, like taking a quest, making a net out of nettles and throwing it over the victim, or learning the secret name of a demon and speaking it backwards, but the laws of magic say that there is always a way to negate a curse. This effect is used to learn how. This effect is available to both Divination and Metamagic.

Obviously, this is like throwing yourself at the GMs mercy and pleading for a plot hook – but then again, you are always at the GMs mercy, so why not plead while you are at it?