
Creatures / Schticks / Damage Resistance

You are higly resistant to damage of a certain type. This is similiar to, but broader and less absolute than Damage Resistance. Whenever you would take damage of this type, you get to subtract your Magic from the wound points taken.

You must pick some kind if attack or attack condition that can penetrate your Damage Reistance; this can be thing such as silver, anything of the color red, or attacks from bald people. At the cost of two schticks, you can get away from this weakness. Alternatively, you can get a more narrow damage resistance (such as heat) at the cost of one schtick, but with no weakness.


This protects from fire, heat, explosions, lasers, cold, acid, electricity and other primaryily physical damage types not caused by impact with material objects.


This protects from kinetic impact; bullets, fists, sword strikes.


This protects from esotheric attacks such as mental attacks, chi channeling or whithering, poison, cell detoriation, disease and generally from everything not covered by the other two.