
Creatures / Schticks / Corruption

Infect your victims with your own supernatural essence: if this taint is left unchecked they become supernatural creatures as well.

Any victim who fails a DeathTest caused by your Powers attacks does not die normally. Instead, he turns into a monster after the passing of three midnights. This may involve physical death, or it may not.

The victim's game statistics generally does not change. He gains half of your Creatures schticks and limitations (as selected by the GM) and the skill Powers equal to his highest action value. These gains are made up for by losses in other skills/schticks.

An unamed character that becomes corrupt becomes a monstrous minion of yours. A named character can fight corruption. At first he retains his original will and consciousness. But whenever confronted by an opportunity to act in a savage or monstrous manner, he must make a Willpower check with a difficulty equal to your Magic. Once he has failed three of these checks his old personality is forever lost and a new bestial personality takes over. If a PC he becomes a GM character. Corruption remains reversible until the third Willpower check is failed. Extensive blood transfusion, Healing, or Summoning are typical ways to reverse the effect.


You can get further powers by spending more schticks on this ability.

Corrupting Touch

Anyone who damaged by your touch must make an Constitution check against your Magic to see if they have been infected.

Minion Domination

Domination with no Magic point cost and at a +6 bonus to your Powers Action Value: this specialized form of Domination can be used only on characters who have become supernatural creatures due to your Corruption ability.

Quick Change

Instead of waiting three nights, it only takes three Sequences for your victims to change.