
Creatures / Schticks / Conditional Escalation

You temporarily gain a point in Powers and one primary attribute (that is Body, Chi, Mind or Reflexes) each time a particular condition is met. Gained points last until the end of the fight. You may add another specified skill or primary attribute by spending another schtick. No check or action is needed to activate this power; it just kicks in whenever a particular condition is met.

When you spend your first schtick on this ability, pick one of the conditions below (or another agreed upon with the gamemaster). You may add conditions by spending one schtick per condition.


When you are the target of a successful Powers task check.


When you cause more than 10 Wound Points in a single attack.


When you are hit by an opponent using a Fu power.


When you are hit by an opponent using a gun or other ranged weapon.


When you are the target of a successful Sorcery task check.

Conditional Reproduction

This is a variant of Conditional Escalation, that creates an unnamed copy of you instead of boosting your abilities. A common variant is severed limbs that continue to fight. Note that you won't reproduce if whatever caused the reproduction also caused you to fail a Death Test.