
Creatures / Schticks / Blur Form

This makes you hard to see; you can Sneak using Powers instead of Intrusion.

Your Blur Form can either work as regular Intrusion, allowing you to hide in cover and shadows, or it can work by melding you with a certain material. As long as you are in contact with this material, you are considered to be in cover, and can sneak normally. In this case you cannot use regular hiding places with your Blur Form, only melding. You can purchase additional materials to blend with for extra schtick picks. Examples include elements such as water or stone, but also phenomena such as smoke or crowds.

For an additional schtick, you can become visible to certain persons while remaining unseen by all others. You can speak with a person while she is standing in a crowded room, and no one else will see a thing. With this ability you can make people think they are insane.