
Creatures / Schticks / Blood Drain

You gain additional vitality by drinking the blood of humans or other sentient beings.

When you knock out an opponent with a natural close combat attack, you drain his blood and get to select one of the following advantages. You can also do so with a called shot in regular combat as a Stunts: Damage Stunt at -2.

For each schtick you spend you can take one of the following effects. If you have several, they all activate simultaneously.

An unnamed character whose blood is drained is defeated; you cannot drain the bloodof a defeated unnamed character.

Attribute Drain

Select one primary attribute when purchasing this power. If your victim has a higher value in this attribute than you do, you get to use the victim's attribute rating for the rest of the night. This can have side effects if the attribute change is drastic - you may mutate or experience flashes of your victim's personality.

Fortune Drain

You gain Fortune point; victim loses a point. This does not work on those those who currently have no Fortune points.

Life Drain

You recover WoundPoints equal to the victim's Constitution.

Magic Drain

You gain Magic point; victim loses a point. This does not work on those those who currently have no Magic points.

Power Drain

Select one Schtick of the victim's. You may use this schtick with Powers for the rest of the night. You can only drain one schtick at the time per pick you have in Blood Drain.

Skill Drain

Choose a skill your victim knows. You can now use this skill at a value equal to your Powers for the rest of the night. You also get access to such tings as languages, memories relating to the skill you stole and the ability to mimic the victim's speech patterns, tough you get no disguise or mimicry ability.

You can only drain one skill in this way; if used again the old skill is lost.