
Creatures / Schticks / Attribute Boost

You can greatly boost some attribute of yours, but such benefits are short-lived.

Select one attribute when purchasing this schtick. By spending a Magic point, you boost that attribute by four points for one sequence. This can be done for free before initiative is rolled, or as a one-shot action in a sequence. Each attribute is purchased separately, and can be bought multiple times, with cumulative effects and costs, thought they can all be activated together. Eight points is the maximum enhancement to any one attribute.

If you can use this only once per session, there is no Magic point cost. You can bye this twice for the same attribute; once in the normal fashion, and once as a 1/session. This lets you get a 4-point boost anytime you pay a Magic point, and an additional 4-point boost that can either be used after running out of Magic or to stack with the normal boost.

An alternative to this power is Attribute Enhancement.

Some attributes need special considerations, see below.

Boost Strength

Any Melee Weapon you are using are made for your usual Strength; becoming twice as strong might very well hurt them. A weapon so used breaks on a fumble or setback.

Boost Fortune

Boosting your Fortune gives you four additional Fortune points that disappear at the end of the sequence.

Boost Magic

Boosting your Magic gives you four additional Magic points that disappear at the end of the sequence.

Boost Speed

You get to add to your initiative for this Sequence.