
Creatures / Schticks / Animal Control

You can control normal Animals. Make a Powers roll against the highest attribute or skill of the animal: one animal per point of outcome can be controlled. If the animals are domestic, their handler can use Drive or other appropriate skill as the difficulty, instead.

If the animals are not present, they are summoned and seek you out, but it will take a while before the full number of some unusual animal arrives. You can establish control of animals as far a s a kilometer away per point of Magic you have.

This power lets you control one type of animals (mammals, birds, fish, insects, arachnids, whatever) or a set of themed animals like the wolf-bat-rat set common to vampires.

Your control is absolute; the animals will die for you, and can go against their instincts in your service. If you wish, you can remote.control the animal, directing its actions in detail and using your Powers to substitute for the animal's own skills. When you do this, you effectively posess the animal, using its senses.