
Creatures / Limitations / Mundane Form

You have two distinct forms; one supernatural form and a normal form. You can supernaturally change between these forms as a 3-shot action. This might superficially change your appearance, but any major change involves Transformation. You can have both this Limitation and the Transformation power if you wish, as long as you spend most of your non-adventure time in your mundane form.

When not in your supernatural form, you do not have access to your Creatures or Super powers, and your Body and Reflexes attributes are reduced by three points each, to a maximum value of eight. You also get rid of your Limitations. However if you have Unusual Looks or Terrible Form this does not count as a limitation, as it mitigates the penalty of those flaws so much.

Sometimes you may have trouble transforming. The transformation is normally subtle enough to perform under even light cover, but transforming in public is embarrassing and shows your identity. If you have a transformation that is so troublesome that it is hard to achieve this is worth two limitations. Some examples: