
Blast / Schticks / Mind Blast

Defeat enemies by projecting your will in ephemereal bursts and bolts of mental energy.

This is a mental attack that is soaked with Willpower instead of Toughness.

A target that fails a Death Test against Mind Blast does not die or need hospitalization. Instead, he goes unconscious, and he is then extra vulnerable to certain effects, such as Influence. Many Influence effects have the notation that they can only be used against targets defeated with Mind Blast.

Non-living creatures and objects (such as robots and doors) are immune to Mind Blast. Damage Immunity to Influence or Blast protects.

Common Metablasts

Aim, Area-Autofire, Area-Cone, Area-Selective, Burn, Curse, Drain, Knockback, Melee, Paralysis, Ranging, Shock, Sleep, Stun .