
Blast / Metablast / Animate

An exclusive metablast used to create an fighting ally. Instead of making a normal blast attack, you have the option to animate an entity out of whatever it is you attack with. This is an unnamed creature that attacks on each of your later actions. On each of your 3-shot actions, it makes an attack, with the normal attributes for this blast effect. If you spend a shot to dodge, so does the entity. If you move, it will follow. It is otherwise incapable of acting on itself. It lasts until hit or until the end of the sequence, unless you spend a Magic point to extend the duration, in which case it lasts until the end of the scene.

Any skill value modifiers that applies to the use of this blast affects the action value of the animated entety. You can create several entities at once by taking the usual penalties.

An exclusive metablast has none of the normal effects of that blast, including any other metablasts that would ordinarily apply. In effect, an exclusive metablast is a separate effect that replaces what the blast normally does. Still, it takes it's appearance from the blast it is used with, if it does any damage it is of the same type, and a Damage Imunity that would protect against the blast also protects against the exclusive metablast.

If you must always use this, and thus cannot use the blast power to cause direct damage in the normal way, this metablast schtick is free.