
Attributes / Magic / Medium

You live almost as much in the higher realities as in this one, and sometimes those higher realities come around to haunt you. Spirits, ghosts, and demons see you as a possible agent or as a conduit to the physical world.

For some, this is actual spirits. They congest around you, pestering you with their obsessions or pleading for help. Unless you take great care to appease them, some might cause poltergeist phenomena or tell your enemies about you.

For others, it is merely ghostly phenomena; strange coincidences and minor magical effects spontaneously happen.

For a character to have an exceptional attribute, outside the "normal" range you must first purchase a specific Pulp Schtick for each sub-attribute. This not only adds a small extra cost, it also gives more or less defined special traits and extraordinary characteristics tied to such high ability scores. Unlike ordinary Pulp schticks, these offer no or very little benefit and some hindrance; they are more flaws than schticks but you still pay for them. If you want to be able to get exceptional attributes but do not want the effects of the schtick, you can pay double price to ignore the effect.

These schticks are considered genre schticks and are not used in all campaigns. See Schticks and Exceptional.