
Arcanotech / Schticks / Tracer Resin Projector

This small rifle fires hollow, soft-shelled ARB bullets full of magically charged gummy stuff. Any target hit by them is then additionally vulnerable to hand-to-hand attacks launched by abominations and attacks of any sort using arcanowave weapons: the victim's Dodge and Parry values against them is lowered by 2. This reduction is cumulative with multiple hits from the device. When firing a tracer resin projector, you must have it connected to an AI/O port, and must make an Arcanowave Device to hit. The effect lasts for a number of Sequences equal to the Outcome of the attack. The pellets do no actual damage.

Concealment rating: 4 (Jacket). It is a gun and can be used with the Guns skill and Gun Schticks. It is not capable of autofire.