
Arcanotech / Schticks / Threat Evaluator

This is a wet, insect-like compound eye encased in a ring of ARB material. It can be implanted in your forehead or in any large muscle on your body.

A Threat Evaluator allows you to use your Powers rating instead of your Perception rating when making visual Perception checks and active (though not passive) defence.

It can scan the life force of creatures, make Powers check with the number of targets you are scanning as the Difficulty. If you succeed in the check, the GM gives you the current Body and WoundPoints total of each scanned target. You also identify named and unnamed characters. There must be a clear line of sight between the Threat Evaluator and the targets; it's no good keeping it hidden under your clothing, for example.

The eye has been involuntary donated by a flesh-eating demon. If you suffer a fumble when using the Threat Evaluator, you note only the Wound Point total of the most wounded target, but must immediately attack that target. Unless somehow restrained, you will attempt to devour the target raw, as your natural instincts are overridden by those of the demon whose eye you now use as a cybernetic enhancement. This madness lasts one Sequence per point of positive or negative Action Result (at least until the end of the sequence).