
Arcanotech / Schticks / Teleport Beacon

The character's chest is fitted with a web of glowing, bluish tendrils. These are beacons into extra dimensional space when online, making the character a teleport locus and weakening dimensional barriers sufficiently to allow the character to make limited teleports.

A character with a Teleport Beacon can teleport to the location of another teleport beacon or within his own line-of-sight. The difficulty of a line-of-sight teleport is 5, plus modifiers for range and cover over the target spot.

A character with a Teleport Beacon can try to create a connection to another character with a teleport beacon. Either of the two connected characters can then teleport to the other's location. The difficulty is the number of kilometers between them. Any failed teleport result in a random inconvenient destination.

Each teleport costs an Magic point.