
Arcanotech / Schticks / Stech Device

"To Stech" is a Tharkoldu term, to force another to take the consequences for you.

You can transfer the pain and trauma of a successful attack to Someone else fitted with a CerebralGrepper or Slave Chip and under your command. Normally, you transfer damage to one of your own slaves. This slave must be attuned to the device, a gruesome process that takes a few minutes. You can then disconnect, and transfer damage to him during the next 24 hours.

When you take damage, you can opt to use the Stech Device to transfer the damage to the victim. This requires no shots. If you decide to transfer damage, make Powers against the WoundPoints you are about to take. If you make the roll, the damage is transferred to your slave, who then suffers all the normal consequences. Do not use the slave's Toughness to reduce damage transferred in this way.

Once your slave has failed a DeathTest, no more damage can be transferred to that victim.

If you have taken this schtick twice, you can create such a connectionto an opponent in combat. This requires an Arcanowave attack against the target, with an outcome matching his Willpower, and the connection lasts a number of sequences equal to the Outcome.