
Arcanotech / Schticks / Shoggoth Whistle

Shoggoths are controlled by a simple device known as the Shoggoth Whistle, a flute-like device emitting sounds that seem discordant and nauseating to humans, but are soothing and hypnotic to the Shoggoth. When establishing command over a particular Shoggoth, the whistle must be connected to an AI/O port. Make a Powers roll against the Shoggoth's Willpower. This Shoggoth is dominated for an hour per point of outcome. A negative Outcome means you cannot command thisparticular Shoggoth for one hour per negative point.

Typical Shoggoth

Body 20, Chi 3, Mind 1, Reflexes 3

The Shoggoth Whistle can have a soothing effect on other, more free-willed Abominations, allowing you to use the Powers in place of Charisma.