
Arcanotech / Schticks / Sensation Twister

You need a DNA sample from your victim in order to use this device. When you activate it, you must make an Arcanowave roll against his Powers or Magic, and if this roll fails, your cell sample crumbles and you must acquire a new one. If it succeeds, he has his sensations twisted a number of hours equal to your Action Result. The Sensation Twister need not be plugged in during this time. You know the duration and can use the Sensation Twister again to extend the effect.

While operating, the device twists the target's sensations however you desire. You can make him experience pain as pleasure, pleasure as pain, fear as arousal, anger as fear and so on. These twisted sensations will be consistent during each use of the device; you must use the Senasion Twister and use it again to switch them around.

Your target will have a hard time acting normally. He might indulge in actions he would normally avoid in order to get a new sensation, or might avoid something necessary because it is now uncomfortable. Over time this becomes unbearable, and the is slowly worn down. Each hour while the 'Twister is running, it accumulates one point of Twist, and your target must make a DeathTest using Willpower against a difficulty equal to the accumulated twist, because of 'Twister induced self-harm.

By spending an hour of effort or an Fortune point, and making a Skills roll for Leadership, Medicine, Powers, Seduction, Sorcery or Charisma roll against your Powers AV, a friend can reduce Twist by a number of points equal the Outcome.