
Arcanotech / Schticks / Robot Limb

You have an arm or leg, made of an alloy that mixes steel and ARB. This can be an exoskeletal sheathe that strengthens the still existing normal limb. If surgically implanted, it wholly replaces your normal limb. You can buy up to three schticks in robot limb, one for each arm and one for both legs.

The limb moves in accordance with your will just as a real arm or leg would, and even has a sense of feel. When relying exclusively on this limb, your effective Strength rating is 12. This is the base Strength used for determining damage of hand-to-hand attacks made with this limb, or by weapons held in this limb.

If you have robot legs, your Move rating is 12.

The limb is attached to an AI/O port in your shoulder or hip. When unplugged, it moves under the power of an onboard battery pack: the battery is a product of mundane technology. When running from the battery, your attribute ratings are not boosted by the Robot Limb. While plugged in, it puts extreme strain on both you, both physically and mystically. Each scene on Robot Limbs costs a single Magic point.