
Arcanotech / Schticks / Regenerative Amoebae

When inert, this device looks like a globe of green slime, about 4" across. It is malleable and sticky, and can be pasted onto something else to be easily transported.

It is activated by placing it against a patient, whereupon it will slowly (over the course of a full sequence) expand to cover the patients entire body, with only a vein-like tendril connecting it to your AI/O port. Once it has encapsulated the patient, it will use Arcanotech energy to rebuild the patients damaged body. This costs the patient 1d6 Magic Points, but the result of this roll is added to your Powers roll; the final result is the amount of Wound Points restored.

The amobae can also cure disease, and rescucitate someone who failed a Death Test in the same fashion. It does not work against disease.

Formulate potions to neutralize the effect of toxins in the body, before they take effect. Difficulty is the Potency of the poison. If the skill check exceeds the Difficulty, the poison is negated. See Poison.

This effect also works against the lingering effects of Corruption. In this case, Difficulty is the Powers Action Value of the creature that did the corrupting.