
Arcanotech / Schticks / Psychic Virus

You have a synthetic powder generator, that creates a fine dust of viral particles capable of invading someone's brain. When creating a dose of psychic virus, you must create it for a specific target, and only that target can be mind controlled. Re-tuning the device for a new target negates the current effect and re-sets the device.

The virus is delivered by touch, and needs a full Sequence before it becomes active. You can make a trap out of a patch of virus, which requires an Intrusion, Investigation or Perception roll equal to your Powers AV to discover.

Once a target has been infected, you can start sending them telepathic suggestions. This is the same as the Sorcery Influence effect Suggestion. When it fails to work, it burns itself out.

Allows you to impose your will on a subject. The difficulty is your target's Willpower or Dodge. The subject will obey a single instruction, following its spirit as well as its letter. Instructions to which the target objects strongly require an Outcome equal to his Willpower.

In an intense situation, such as combat, the instruction only lasts one shot per point of Outcome. Unless the Outcome matches the target’s Willpower, it will only cause the target to lose shots in confusion, not to actually do anything. Out of combat, it lasts about ten minutes per point of Outcome.

Posthypnotic suggestions (a -2 stunt) can lie dormant and activate at a later time.