
Arcanotech / Schticks / Pathfinder

Inspired by the Information Uplink by Gary Handelman.

This device is about the size of a pocket calculator and it looks like half-melted plastic casing with a green glowing display screen. It is used when operating in an unfamiliar area. Intelligence will program the pathfinder with information pertaining to the area the agent will be operating in, specifically geographical information (that's maps, tovarish!).

The pathfinder can also act as a homing device or tracer. If it is encoded with the prey's DNA, the pathfinder will pinpoint him if the Powers roll exceeds the target's Magic or Powers acting value.

The device gives range and direction, with an margin of error of 10% of the range to the target when it is used. Several attempts may thus be required to determine a target's exact location, and each attempt takes a full sequence (including plugging and unplugging the device) and costs an Magic point.

This device cannot be used to try and pinpoint a specific individual more often than once every ten minutes.