
Arcanotech / Schticks / Pain Weapon

Pain weapons appear as ebony-black, writhing, screaming variants of normal blunt weapons. They are wielded using Powers and do damage based on Magic instead of Strength, soaked by the target's Willpower.

Pain Weapon Damage Add Concealability Notes
Pain Wand +1 Negligible
Pain Knuckles +2 Pocket
Pain Baton +3 Jacket
Pain Whip +4 Trenchcoat
Pain Staff +5 Unconcealable Requires two hands

Characters who fail a DeathTest caused by pain weapons usually don't die, instead loosing all will to resist. A failure indicates that the victim is overcome with pain and unable to resist for fifteen minutes times the negative result points. If the negative result points exceeded the target's Willpower, death runs it's usual course.

Tharkoldu use this weapon to capture slaves, and somebody knocked out using a Pain Weapon is then defenseless against any type of domination, mind control or enslavement.

Damage immunity to Arcanowave or Influence makes you immune to a Pain Weapon.