
Arcanotech / Schticks / Interference Fence

Similar to arcanowave suppression fields used in the lab, but designed for use in the field, the Interference Fence is a series of bone-frame screens with hide stretched over them (all synthetic). It can be folded up to a bundle with Concealment Trenchcoat. Unfolded, it is used to encircle an area, that is then shielded from arcanowave effects.

Once in place (a 3-shot action per Move meters of circumference) and plugged in, it provides an area free of low-end arcanowaves for one hour per point of Action Result. It can then be safely unplugged, and will continue to operate on the ambient low-end arcanowaves it absorbs. This can allow arcanowave experiments in the field, but also negates any use of arcanowave in or into the area.

The screen is quite fragile, and easily damaged. It is of course immune to arcanowave attacks, but any other attack striking it reduces the duration by an hour. Any area attack completely destroys the fence.

It is possible to adjust the wavelength of an arcanowave device to allow it to function isnide the fenced area, this is a 3-shot stunt using Powers against the fence's Action Result. If this is done at a distance, you suffer normal range penalties.

It has so far proved impossible to construct a sturdier fence, but it can be hidden, built into walls, or otherwise protected from harm.