
Arcanotech / Schticks / Hornet Spewer

This is a very unique item, being an arcanowave enhanced breeder insect designed as a weapon. The insect is designed for asexual reproduction and produce hundreds of young a day in its own thorax. It's then implanted with an arcanowave control device that allows a user to manipulate it. It's held like a gun, using a thick protrusion on its abdomen as a handle, and fires a swarm of young from its mouth. The young hornets can't live long outside of the mother and seek warm flesh to burrow into and feed off of.

This weapon always fires a Autofire burst of insects, and an accurate shot can pile up a whole lot of the little critters. The insects actively seek out flesh, and can fly around corners and crawl through cracks to seek out prey. Thus, you ignore Cover.

You can also send the insects flying wildly, searching for prey; if your Action Result is higher than the distance to the target (in meters) some of the hornets seek him out, giving away his location. If he is discovered and the Action Result is higher than his Dodge, he will also suffer a hit.

Concealability Damage Ammo Range Notes
Trenchcoat 12 Unlimited Normal Auto, ignore cover