
Arcanotech / Schticks / Helix Ripper

This large rifle emits a beam of arcanowave energy that tears apart living victims on the cellular level. It's Damage rating is 15. The Helix Ripper is a gun and can be used with Guns and Guns Schticks. It is not capable of autofire.

Mystic means cannot heal Wound Points caused by Helix Rippers. This includes SorceryHealing, but not simple time and Medicine.

The Helix Ripper cannot be used to destroy inanimate objects. It's beams are dissipated when they hit more than 12 cm of solid matter: they pass lesser thickness without effect on the beam or the matter. The beams thus ignore Armor and most Cover, but not an DeathSuit or Armor(because it is alive). A Helix Ripper weighs close to 20 kg when unplugged from your AI/O port, but, due to the bizarre nature of arcanotech, is easily manageable when plugged in. It is Unconcealable.