
Arcanotech / Schticks / Death Suit

Obviously inspired by the same thingie in SLA industries. Jannisaries are perhaps the only people in Tharkold who would normally have access to a Death Suit. A few might stray or be lost. Spawn has something very much like it.

The Death Suit is a magical symbiotic body suit made from an ARB derivative. You let the Death Suit absorb your negative emotions, such as fear and anger, and as the Death Suit progresses, it gradually becomes an entity in it's own right, an abomination mirror-image of you. Because of it's symbiotic link to you, it is immune to Summoning and other anti-supernatural effects.

The Death Suit appears like a black leather coverall molded to resemble a flayed human body. You can order the Death Suit to camouflage itself, taking on the look of a gothic black or simply patterned body suit. As you use Magic points, the death suit seems more and more alive, gaining color, blood and moving muscles and sinews, slowly breaking its camouflage. If you have used more Magic points than you have Charisma, the suit can no longer be concealed at all.

For each schtick you take in Death Suit, the suit provides one point of Armor. It cannot provide more than eight points. In addition, you get to pick one of the following effects for each schtick pick. These powers can be turned on or off as a 3-shot action. You can only affect someone once per fight.


The suit draws upon your magic energy in order to enhance your movements. Your Speed is increased to the number of Schticks in DeathSuit, to a maximum of 12. This costs one Magic point. The effect lasts for one fight.


The suit bends and refracts the light around the wearer, causing him to blend into his surroundings. This allows you to Sneak using Powers but only if you have someplace to hide. Combined with Pale, you can hide in plain sight.


The suit draws upon your magic energy in order to enhance your movements. Your Speed is increased to the number of Schticks in DeathSuit, to a maximum of 12. This costs one Magic point. The effect lasts for one fight.


With Graft, the Death Suit can absorb any other arcanoware items you have. These can disappear into the suit, effectively concealing them.


You can order the Death Suit to camouflage itself, taking on the appearance of ordinary day clothes or any other look that preserves your basic form, such as that of a skeleton. It always has a somewhat gothic look, but can be merely cique rather than terrifying. It is not capable of immitating someone's exact appearance, but can create a gothic parody of someone else. As you use Magic points, it seems more and more alive, slowly breaking its camouflage. If you have used more Magic points than you have Charisma, the suit reveals its natural form.

If you have Meld the suit can change your appearance similarily, not merely its own, giving you an everyday appearance or making you look grotesque. It does not otherwise help you disguise yourself.


You can absorb your Death Suit, concealing it beneath your skin. If you also have Graft, any arcanoware grafted to the suit also disappears. If you have used more Magic points than you have Charisma, the suit can no longer be concealed, but a melded suit does not surface, it merely makes you look like a flayed body.

If you wish, you can have your melded Death Suit change the appearance of your body, making you monstrous or just gaily colored, depending on the appearance of the Death Suit.


You have transcended the normal darkness of arcanowave, channeled the dark side of your being onto the hidden recesses of your Death Suit. Unless you wish it, your spent Magic points do not appear in your Death Suit. In fact, it appears angelic, as if filled with an inner, benevolent light, and gains more radiance as you spend further Magic points. If you also know Meld, you can take on this otherworldly appearance yourself.

While illuminated by the pale, actions and powers that would otherwise appear monstrous seem to be angelic, filled with an inner meaning. The strong-willed can see through this, but the masses (unnamed characters) usually stand in awe, incapable of taking the initiative unless ordered to or their close friends are getting killed.


The suit draws upon your magic energy in order to enhance your physique. Your Strength is increased to the number of Schticks in DeathSuit, to a maximum of 12. This costs one Magic point. The effect lasts for one fight.


You ignore wound Impairment.


The suit will raise soon after you are put down, and try to move itself, including your dying body, to a place where it can be healed. When you reach a place of safety, the Death Suit will deactivate, allowing your body to be treated or to recover normally best it can.

This power kicks in when you fail a DeathTest. Make a Powers roll with the same difficulty as the Medicine check that would normally be made to attempt to save your life. If you make it, your Death Suit reanimates one Sequence later. It has it's own Wound Points and does not suffer from any damage you might have taken, though it starts with five Wound Points as a result of trauma. Your death status does not change.

While reanimated, your Death Suit will normally seek to move to safety, but it can fight. It can use your attributes and Powers and related Arcanopwave and Creatures schticks, but no other abilities. It is quite agile and can use the Powers skill for Stunts and Sneak. It takes damage and makes Death Tests as normal. If it goes down, your condition worsens one step. It cannot then reanimate again in the same session.

Soul Store

Your Death Suit stores a number of Magic points equal to the number of Schtick picks you have put into it. Note that these Magic points count when terermining what the uit looks like, so this ability tends to make you look more monstrous.


Your Death Suit doesn't just look like a flayed body, it can BE a flayed body - yours. It can meld with damaged parts of your body, replacing lost segments and repairing those which are merely mangled.

After each fight, the Death Suit will Heal you a number of WoundPoints equal to a Powers roll.


The suit keeps you alive and lets you act normally even under adverse conditions. It makes you immune to drowning and lack of air, food, and water. It insulates from radiation, cold, heat and other harmful environmental effects. It filters the air and washes away acids and dirt. It does not negate attacks based on such forces, but prevents bad side-effects and general discomfort.


As the suit grows in power, it also grows in majesty and horrific appearance. Just as this effect can be neutralized through the Pale, it can be enhanced with Terror.

Any character who is suddenly confronted with your Terror loses a number of shots equal to the difference between their Willpower and your Magic, in horrified shock at your sudden appearance. To use this, you must either reveal the power during combat (a 3-shot action), or enter combat at once with Terror active when first confronting someone.

You can use Desperate Effort in order to enhance your Terror aura.

New Abilities

Work in progress. Celerity, Potence and Awakening seem pretty balanced, so I moved them into the main power list. Celerity should perhaps be called 'Speed' and Potence 'Might'. Boring, but not a blatant WOD name rip-off. --UrbanBlom

I edited the abilities somewhat, but I am still not convinced how they should work - nor how Blood Drain: Magic should work. Can you drain points from a mook?

Soul Leech

You can use the suit to leech magic points from a target. This requires a successful hit using Powers. Such an attack does not inflict damage, but causes the target to lose one Magic Point, plus an additional Magic point for every five points of Outcome. If you have Soul Store, the suit can store the Magic Point, otherwise they are simply lost - you cannot fill up your own magic points this way.


This ability should use the same basic rules as Blood Drain:Magic but with some limitations (storing etc as above).

I don't think that it's necessary to drain more than one magic point per attack. The Flux drain is SLA is quite weak (1 Flux per touch), and Ebons have more Flux than than people have Chi in T3. A good hit from a magic-draning creature can suck quite a few magic points from a sorceror. I see Blood Draim: Magic/Fortune primarily as a way to restore magic points, not as a weapon to use in combat in order to suck multiple magic points.

As for draining Mooks - why not, if they have Magic? Mooks with Chi are pretty rare unless you count transformed animals, undead and demons. Perhaps drain is less effective against mooks, so that you can only use it once on a Mook per scene?
