
Arcanotech / Schticks / Cellular Invigorator

This is one of the Buro's more risky inventions. This is a massive invasive procedure that tampers with a subjects DNA in such a way that it can be reconfigured on the fly. A subjects DNA is controlled by a 1 foot square, one inch thick control box that is grafted to their body, usually along their back, and then hooked into their system through a variety of tubes and hoses. The box then plugs into a user through an AI/O port.

Anyone equipped with this device may rearrange their Attributes, with no stat being able to go below 1. Shifting around one attribute point takes one shot, and that can be either one of the primary Attributes (Body, Reflexes) or one of the secondary Attributes (Strength, Speed). The effect lasts until the device is unplugged.

While invogorated, you shift and mutate, but your basic form never changes. You keep your basic form however you change, only looking more and more monstrous, and you cannot disguise yourself.


Based on a schtick by Ben Rasmussen.