
Arcanotech / Schticks / Arcanotech Drone

A wide variety of arcanowave vehicles are available or being constructed. These are driven using Drive, but require an AI/O port to function. They often have installed arcanowave weaponry or other devices.

On cruising speed, they run on standby power, but when engaging in chase or fight scenes, you must hook up the vehicle to an AI/O port. This greatly increases the nimbleness of the vehicle.

If you wish to own an arcanoware vehicle or drone, each counts as a separate schtick. Otherwise, you will have to be content to use such devices as they come your way. In many campaigns, arcanowave vehicles are to powerful and clumsy to use. Check with your GM beforehand.

You can remote-control an arcanotech vehicle or drone, but in this case all maneuvers suffer normal range penalties.