
Arcanotech / Schticks / Arcanoborg

Having radioshack built internal organs means when the old master smacks your spleen with his nerve pinch, you just laugh at him. Silly master, cyborgs don't have spleens!

This schtick is the replacement of natural physical organs with a mechanical replacement. Sometimes the replaced organ is constructed out of arcanowave material instead, but it's always artificial and built to last. This device is always plugged into an AI/O port because it constantly needs to be functioning. It does not normally cause mutation points.

After an attack has been determined a hit, you may declare that all damage suffered from that attack has struck the cybernetic organ instead of them. You take no damage from this attack. Once used an organ can't be used in this way again until you receive first aid.

You can have several picks in this schtick, and then use it several times without repair in between.