
Arcanotech / Limitations / Malfunction

Some Arcanotech Devices are notoriously delicate; even a sudden change in the emotional atmosphere of a room can make them harder to operate. Much of the skill in using Powers is adjusting for the nuances of the spiritual environment. No matter how skilled the user, however, these Schticks are more likely to malfunction than normal gear.

Whenever the die roll on a Powers roll for Schticks comes up snake-eyes - ones on both negative and positive dice - you fail to compensate for a sudden change in the occult background radiation of the area and suffer a malfunction.

You can then attempt to impose your will on the device and force it to operate again. This action has a shot cost of 3; you must make a Powers check with a difficulty equal to your current number of arcanotech schticks in order to get it working again. If you fail, you can try again at the end of the fight, and finally at the end of the session. If all three attempts at repair fail, the device must be replaced.