
Arcanotech / Limitations / Deformity

Corruption has changed your physical form into one that is decidedly inhuman. You might have vestigial wings, spines, fangs or a third eye in the middle of the forehead. Demonic dark skin or the appearance of being flayed alive or skeletal is also possible.

Whatever the exact deformity, it can be hidden under bulky clothes, but is a constant source of social embarrassment and fear for you. People who notice your deformity may run screaming or decide you are too horrible a creature to live, or simply shun and scorn you. If you seem nonthreatening, bullying and abuse is likely.

A physical deformity has no real effect on your performance - it is a matter of appearance. It can be hidden or changed by magics that alter shape. It can even be temporarily 'cured' by surgery. But over the course of time, it will always return.

If you wish to take the deformity limitation several times, later deformities must be of increasing severity.