d20 Modern

SLA / Training Packages

Training packages in SLA translates to starting Occupations. See the table below and the specific notes for each package.


Some optiononal rules for SLA character creation:

SLA Basic Combat Training

This package includes basic firearms and armor familiarization. It can be taken in addition to a regular operative package. SLA provides this training in order to increase operative survivability.

Skills: None:

Feats: Personal Firearms Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (light)

SLA Operative Training Packages

Training Package Occupation Notes
Death Squad Military Heavy assault
Kick Murder Squad Military Assasination and espionage
Investigation and Interrogation Investigative
Medical Emergency Services
Mechanics Technician
Pilot and Navigation Military
Business White Collar
Strike Squad Military General military training
Scout Military Recon

Death Squad

Add fluff here.

Prerequisite: SLA Operative.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Climb, Demolitions, Drive, Hide, Knowledge (tactics), Move Silently, Navigate, Survival, Swim.

Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: Brawl, Armor Proficiency (light or medium), Exotic Firearms Proficiency, or Personal Firearms Proficiency.

Wealth Level Modifier: +1.

Kick Murder Squad

Insert fluff here.

Prerequisite: SLA Operative.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Climb, Demolitions, Drive, Hide, Knowledge (tactics), Move Silently, Navigate, Survival, Swim.

Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: Archaic Weapon Proficiency, Armor Proficiency (light or medium), Combat Martial Arts, Personal Firearms Proficiency.

Wealth Level Modifier: +1.

Pilot and Navigator

Insert fluff here.

Prerequisite: SLA Operative.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Climb, Demolitions, Drive, Knowledge (tactics), Navigate, Pilot, Repair, Survival, Swim.

Feats: Aircraft Operation, Armor Proficiency (light or medium), Exotic Firearms Proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency.

Wealth Level Modifier: +1.

Strike Squad

This is a general combat training package for SLA operatives.

Prerequisite: SLA Operative.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Climb, Demolitions, Drive, Hide, Knowledge (tactics), Move Silently, Navigate, Pilot, Survival, Swim.

Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: Brawl, Combat Martial Arts, Armor Proficiency (light or medium), or Personal Firearms Proficiency.

Wealth Level Modifier: +1.


Insert fluff here.

Prerequisite: SLA Operative.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Climb, Demolitions, Drive, Hide, Knowledge (tactics), Move Silently, Listen, Navigate, Pilot, Spot, Survival, Swim.

Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: Brawl, Armor Proficiency (light or medium), or Personal Firearms Proficiency.

Wealth Level Modifier: +1.

SLA Shiver Training Packages

These are not available for player characters, but can be used by the GM.

Basic Shiver Training

Inser fluff here.

Prerequisite: Age 20+.

Skills: Choose two of the following skills as permanent class skills. If a skill the character selects is already a class skill, he or she receives a +1 competence bonus on checks using that skill. Diplomacy, Drive, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (civics, earth and life sciences, streetwise, or tactics), Search.

Bonus Feat: Select one of the following: Archaic Weapon Proficiency, Defensive Martial Arts, Armor Proficiency (light or medium), Shield Proficiency or Personal Firearms Proficiency.

Wealth Bonus Increase: +1.