d20 Modern

SLA / Conversion

This pages contains brief notes about our conversion methods. These will hopefully be expanded in the future. The reader is assumed to have some knowledge of SLA character generation.

The current race profiles were done rather quickly, and they will probably be adjusted once I have edited this page a few times. The end result should be playable D20 races that have the same feel as their SLA counterpart.



When converting from SLA to D20 Modern, we must establish a relation between the ability sscale in the two game systems. The normal human ability span was used as a baseline. This is 8-18 in D20 and 5-10 in SLA. A conversion forumula of

D20 = 2 * SLA - 2

should work for ordinary humans.


SLA and D20 have different abilites, so we must establish as mapping between SLA and D20 abilities. When two abilities are used they are averaged.

Str Str
Dex Dex
Con Str, Cool
Int Dia, Conc
Wis Conc, Cool
Cha Cha


Racial ability ranges in SLA:

Race Str Dex Dia Conc Cha Cool
Human 5-10 5-10 5-10 5-10 5-10 5-10
Frother 5-12 5-10 5-8 5-10 5-10 5-10
Ebon 5-9 5-10 5-10 5-13 5-11 5-9
BrainWaster 5-11 5-10 5-10 5-11 5-8 5-11
WraithRider 5-10 5-15 5-12 5-9 5-10 5-8
Shaktar 5-13 5-13 5-8 5-8 5-9 5-12
Stormer 5-15 5-13 5-8 5-8 5-8 5-15

After conversion forumala (max vakue used for ability modifer)

Race Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
Human 18 +0 18 +0 18 +0 18 +0 18 +0 18 +0
Frother 22 +4 18 +0 20 +2 18 +0 18 +0 18 +0
Ebon 16 -2 18 +0 16 -2 21 +3 20 +2 20 +2
BrainWaster 20 +2 18 +0 20 +2 19 +1 20 +2 14 -4
WraithRider 18 +0 28 +10 16 -2 19 +1 15 -3 18 +0
Shaktar 24 +6 24 +6 23 +5 14 -4 18 +0 16 -2
Stormer 28 +10 24 +6 28 +10 14 -4 21 +3 14 -4

Some thoughts about the results:

It seems that the conversion formula needs to be tweaked a bit. A first step is to halve modifiers not related to the physical size (Shaktar and Stormer). I'll post a modified table below when I feel up to it.


I want humans, frothers, ebon and brain wasters to have ECL +0. A WraithRider will have extreme physical stats (extreme Dex and Speed) and will probably be ECL +1. Stormer are hulking brutes and should have ECL +2 or +3. Shaktar are a bit weaker, and should have and ECL of +1 or +2.

Starting level for charactres should be 3 in order to allow for a variety of races while still starting at low level.


Conversion of Speed is trivial. Simply multiply the run value in SLA by 10.

Race Speed
Human 30
Frother 40
Ebon 30
BrainWaster 30
WraithRider 60
Shaktar 50
Stormer 40