Pet Wrangler (5A)
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Striding through the jungle, the mighty dinosaur lumbers along. "We are safe, it will never look for us here" says the adventurer to her companions perched atop an small pyramid. The dinosaur ponderousness turns towards them, and they see it is not just a dumb beast they are facing, there is a rider directing the beast.
A pet wrangler bonds with a monster of great size and power. The pet wrangler themselves is not too impressive, but combined with their beast, they form a powerful adventuring pair. Usually from the fringes of civilization, pet wranglers hail from tundras, jungles, glaciers, or deserts, places where big monsters thrive. Much like the barbarians of such remote regions, pet wranglers often move into civilized lands, bringing their pets with them.
Initially a pet wrangler is a mundane class, but as they advance in level they learn magical abilities that affect themselves and their pets, but they never learn to cast spells.
Class Profile
As an pet wrangler, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points
- Hit Dice: 1d12 per pet wrangler level
- Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier
- Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution modifier per pet wrangler level after 1st
- Armor: Light armor, medium armor
- Weapons: Simple weapons, lance, net, trident, whip
- Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom
- Skills: Animal Handling plus your of two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, and Survival.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to any gear acquired through your background.
- (a) scale mail or (b) studded leather armor
- a dagger
- a whip
- an aklys, a spear with a hook at the end. Functions as a trident and used to train and control your pet.
- an explorer’s pack
Alternatively you can start with 4d4 x 10 gp or 100 gp.
Pet Wrangler Table
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features |
1st | +2 | Sense Pet, Pet, Protective Pet |
2nd | +2 | Monster Master, Whipmaster |
3rd | +2 | Familiar, Lend Vigor |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement |
5th | +3 | Pet Telepathy, Reserve Pet |
6th | +3 | Dismiss Pet |
7th | +3 | Familiar Empowerment |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement |
9th | +4 | Pet Growth: Huge |
10th | +4 | Extra Attack |
11th | +4 | Lend Vigor x2 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement |
13th | +5 | Pet Bond |
14th | +5 | Second Pet |
15th | +5 | Lend Vigor x3 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement |
17th | +6 | Pet Growth: Gargantuan |
18th | +6 | Third Pet |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement |
20th | +6 | Pack of Pets |
Class Features
Sense Pet
As a bonus action, you can sense the presence and location of the closest creature of your pet's creature type within 300 feet. Once you know of the presence of a creature, you can chose to ignore that creature when you use the ability again to find the next closest creature of this creature type. Any effect that protects against divination magic stops this ability.
At first level you choose a class of pet you work with. This choice decides the abilities of your pet. Your pet advances in power and abilities as you advance in level. The pet gains new abilities at level XX, XX, XX, and XX, which abilities it gains depends on the type of pet you have,
Your pet is a single unique creature. You gain many abilities that help keep your pet alive and to allow you to bring it along when you usually could not, but if it dies or is lost permanently, it takes you a full week to find and bond with a new pet. If your pet is unusual in the area, you may have to travel to where such creatures are common or change to a type of pet that is locally available. You can also spend a week to exchange your pet for another pet, which can be of another type.
It is usually most fun to use creatures actually encountered in play as pet choices, but this is not mandatory.
Protective Pet
As you are within 5 feet of your pet, you have half cover, giving you a +2 bonus to Armor Class and Dexterity saving throws.
Monster Master
At 2nd level, you can use Wisdom (Animal Handling) as if it was Charisma (Persuasion or Intimidation) when dealing with creatures of the Aberration, Beast, Celestial, Construct, Dragon, Elemental, Fey, Fiend, Monstrosity, Ooze, Plant, and Undead creature types. If the creature has an Intelligence of 5 or less, you have advantage on these Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks. Using this ability to convince them is the most common way to recruit a pet.
At 2nd level your mastery of the whip allows you to use it in new ways.
- As an action you can do a Grapple or Shove manoeuvre with the whip against a creature up to 10 feet away. When you use the whip to grapple, you do not need a free hand but cannot use the whip for other things until the grapple ends. When you shove, you can move the target in any direction without having to take disadvantage on the Strength (Athletics) check.
- As a bonus action when wielding a whip you can create a loud snap. Used against a creature with an Intelligence of 5 or less within 20 feet, that creature must make a Charisma saving throw, DC 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your Proficiency Bonus or become frightened until the start of your next turn. Rather than having to move away from you, you control in which direction the creature can move.
- As a bonus action you can pick up an unattended item up to the size of a one-handed weapon and either pull it into a free hand or fling the object 20 feet in any direction - this is not precise enough to be used as an attack, but you can toss it to an ally to catch.
At 3rd level, you extend your power to summon and dismiss living creatures. You learn the Find Familiar spell and can cast it as a ritual.
Lend Vigor
At 3rd level, the bond between you and your pet bring strength to limbs that otherwise have none. As an action you can take 1d12 damage and heal a pet a number of Hit Points equal to the damage you took plus your Constitution bonus. At 11th level, you double the healing without increasing your loss of hit points. At 15th level, triple the healing.
An Aberration, Beast, Celestial, Dragon, Elemental, Fey, Fiend, Monstrosity, Ooze, Plant, or Undead creature that currently has 0 Hit Points but is still alive (typically within a minute after it was reduced to zero Hit Points) can be made into a future pet using Lend Vigor. You offer that creature a chance to become your future pet. If the creature accepts, you use Lend Vigor to save its life. It seeks to move to a safe location to recover, but will respond when you call it and with one week of training it will become a new pet. Regardless of its original features, the creature is now a pet, and uses the features of a pet as long as it remains in your service. You cannot exceed your maximum number of pets this way, if you already have as many pets and reserve pets as you can keep, you must dismiss an old pet to accept a new one.
Pet Telepathy
At 5th level you can communicate with your pet telepathically over any distance. Additionally, as an action, you can see through your pet’s eyes and hear what it hears until the start of your next turn, gaining the benefits of any special senses that the pet has. During this time, you are deaf and blind with regard to your own senses.
Reserve Pet
At 5th level, you can have a second pet in training while adventuring with your first pet. Your pet in training stays in a safe location, usually in its wilderness home, while you are out adventuring. Should your first pet die, you can call on your reserve pet to replace it at the end of a long rest. Once you have used this ability, it takes a week to replace your reserve pet before you can use this ability again.
Dismiss Pet
At 6th level, your pit becomes more similar to a familiar. As an action, you can temporarily dismiss your pet to a pocket dimension. You can do this at any range. Any equipment the pet wears, such as armor or saddle, disappears with it. Anything the pet carries, such as a load or passenger, falls to the ground. As an action while it is temporarily dismissed, you can cause it to reappear in any unoccupied space within 30 feet of you. If your is pet capable of serving as a mount, you can have it appear in your space, and you end up mounted on it.
You cannot dismiss your pet if the pet has taken Hit Point damage, is incapacitated, or suffers from any effect that causes harm over time such as a lasting disease or poison. While dismissed, the pet is in a stasis and need not breathe, eat, drink, or rest.
Empowered Familiar
At 7th level, your link to your lesser bestial allies improves. Your familiar(s) have Hit Points equal to three times your level, d4 Hit Dice equal to your level, and add your proficiency bonus to their Armor Class and to Dexterity (Stealth) and Wisdom (Perception) checks. In addition you have two choices.
Either you can keep multiple familiars simultaneously, 2 at 7th level and another one at level 10, 13, 16, and 19, for a total of 7 familiars at level 19.
Or you can extend the range of the telepathy you and your familiar has to a range of one mile per level. This does not extend the range your familiar can be at when it delivers a spell.
Pet Growth
At 9th level when you summon your pet, you can opt to have the pet be Huge in size. This lasts until you next dismiss your pet. A Huge pet adds 1 Hit Point per level you have, has a space of 15 feet and a reach of 10 feet. Add one die to the damage of each of the pet's attacks.
At 17th level, you can have your pet grow to Gargantuan size. A Gargantuan pet gains 4 Hit Points per level and has a reach of 15 feet. Add two dice to the damage of each of the pet's attacks.
Example: An elephant pet does 2d8 damage with it's gore attack. A Huge elephant pet does 3d8 damage with a gore, while a Gargantuan elephant pet does 4d8 with its gore.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 11th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Pet Bond
At 13th level, the relationship you forge with your pet becomes remarkable and unbreakable. So long as you are able to see your pet and it is able to see you, you are both immune to the charmed and frightened conditions.
Second Pet
At 14th level, you can have a second pet. You must find and tame a second pet of the new type, each of which takes a week of downtime activity. You then dismiss your second pet to keep it in readiness. At the end of a short rest, you can replace your current pet with your second pet. You can only have one active pet at any time.
At 18th level, you can have a third pet, giving you three pets you can change between.
Your Reserve Pet ability allows you to replace any of your pets that are permanently retired, including second and third pets. You must spend a week of downtime activity for each pet in order to train a pet, including reserve pets.
Pack of Pets
At 20th level, you can have more than one pet present at once. You spend an action summoning each additional pet. At the start of each of your turns you suffer 1d10 damage for each extra pet present. This damage cannot be resisted or prevented in any way.
Your pet(s) are your most important ally, and the choice of pet should not be made lightly. Pets are divided by creature type, but all pets share the same basic stat block, gaining additional abilities from their creature type. Your level, Proficency Bonus, and the creature's type appear as variables in several places on the stat block.
Wrangler Pet
Large (Creature type)
- Armor Class: 12 + PB (natural armor)
- Hit Points: 8 times your pet wrangler level (the pet has a number of Hit Dice [d10s] equal to your pet wrangler level)
- Speed: 40 ft.
STR 16 (+3) DEX 11 (+1) CON 15 (+2) INT 4 (−3) WIS 11 (+1) CHA 11 (+0)
- Senses: Passive Perception 11
- Languages: none
- Challenge: —
- Proficiency Bonus (PB): equals your bonus
A beast pet is a wild creature you have tamed, a great beast such as a worg, bear, or warhorse.