Trithereon (Greyhawk Action)

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The Summoner and the Lord of Freedom, Trithereon represents the continuation of the barbarian Oerdian's free spirit into the modern world. While he accepts nations and the protection they offer the weak, he sees them with suspicion, a necessary evil that the heroic knight and defender should not subjugate himself too. He is an ascended mortal sponsored by Kord.

In the common pantheon, Trithereon is worshiped mainly in the Keoland area, where he is a god of adventurers and free roamers. He has some presence among the pirates of the pearl sea region as well, who see him as a god of independent spirit, skill, and charm.

Trithereon (tri-THEH-ree-on) is shown as a tall well-built young man with red-gold hair, clad in a chainmail shirt and blue or violet clothes. His symbol is the rune of pursuit, representing his relentlessness in hunting down oppressors and tyrants. He is famous for his three great magic weapons (the shortspear Krelestro, the Harbinger of Doom; the sword Freedom's Tongue; and the scepter called the Baton of Retribution) and his three summoned animals (Nemoud the Hound, Harrus the Falcon, and Carolk the Sea Lizard). He fights evil and oppressive law, so he sometimes opposes other good-aligned deities such as Heironeous and Pholtus.

All deserve life and the ability to choose their own place in the world, and those who would place others in shackles or control them with oppressive laws must be toppled. Train the common folk to defend themselves and their property should another wish to take their freedoms, if you are wronged, you are right to exact vengeance yourself, especially if none will help you.

Because the faith praises individuality over standardized doctrine, each church has a different focus but is allied with all others. Trithereon's clerics are rugged individualists, never afraid to question authority. Those in cities instruct commoners in self-defense and recruit like-minded rogues and rangers for the cause of individual liberty. Those in rural areas act as scouts or spies against despotic lords or murderous nonhumans. Both sorts keep close watch on Lawful religions lest they become too powerful. The Summoner's clerics travel far and wide in search of those in need of their help.

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Weapon: Shortspear, longsword, and greatclub

Pathfinder Domains

Chaos (Azata), Good (Azata), Liberation, Protection (Defense), Strength.

Pathfinder Traits

Action Techniques

Impress, Know, Melee.