Satyrs (Action)

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Heroic Action Role-Play

Satyr, faun, menead, korred, shedim, glaistig, beastman, Goat.

Attributes and Schticks

Body: 4-10
Mind: 4-10
Reflexes: 4-10
Move: 5

== Description ==' Satyrs are wild and rowdy humanoids with horned heads and the lower body of goats.


Satyrs are humanoid with the lower body of a goat and the upper body of a human. The exact details of their appearance varies widely from individual to individual.

Their heads bear ram's or goat's horns. These are highly variable in size and utility; some satyrs can use them as weapons. Ears are slightly pointed but not elongated, tough a few satyrs have animal ears. The humanoid torso is very human-like, satyrs can easily disguise themselves as humans if they cover their legs and horns.

Males tend towards bigger horns and often sport curly sideburns or a goatee. Their body hair sometimes makes the transition from man-torso to goat-abdomen blurred. Females often hide their smaller horns in their profuse head hair.

Satyrs wear jewelry if they have it, garlands of flowers otherwise, but not much in the way of clothes; possible exceptions are a vest, jacket, tie, or cravat. Females sometimes wear long skirts that conceal their legs, and both genders can don robes and hoods as a disguise. Satyrs don't need or wear shoes.


Satyrs are hedonistic and wild, living for the moment and in the main refusing social restrictions and barriers. They enjoy brawling, wine, dancing, music, and lovemaking above all else. Female satyrs are sometimes called meneads, and prefer to provoke others into fighting rather than to fight themselves. Satyr heroes are rare, and tend to break with the norm, be more serious and involved. While they can see far-reaching goals, they still have trouble planning for tomorrow, and their companions often have to remind them of the urgency of their task. But once in motion, they work with great vigor.


Satyrs in the wild are generally apolitical as they have few cares for the day after tomorrow. Their political impact are either as bad neighbors or as cultists in fertility cults. Humans who show respect to their satyr neighbors might find mother nature rewarding them with a bounty of both food and children, some of which will show satyr ancestry.


Individual satyrs can integrate reasonably well with humans, elves, and other light-minded creatures. It is rare to find a group of satyrs living among humans, and if they do they are surely in some cult, gang, troupe or other communal activity where their nature can prosper.


Satyr males greatly outnumber females, but they are very unprejudiced. They breed with animals or with any race caught in their organismic rites. Mixed breed satyrs tend to favor their non-satyr ancestry as children, only growing to be satyrs at puberty. Satyrs have lifespans comparable to humans.


Satyr names tend to be silly, pompous, or vulgar and are often full of innuendo.

Male Names: Chips, Hornblower, Jack, Johnny, Nutty, Piper, Sandergast, Strongspear, Willy.

Female Names: Daffy, Dandodelly, Deepwell, Kick-hoof, Pelly, Pip, Screamer, Spring.