Impress Schticks (Action)

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Heroic Action Role-Play



There is something special about you. You are very ugly, majestic, holy, crazed, or otherwise special, and people tend to leave you alone because of it.

As long as you remain passive (neither attacking nor running away, though using Impress or Charm is OK), you will not get attacked. This works as long as the situation warrants it; if your goons have been defeated and your Master Plan revealed, you may have to follow the gentleman escorting you to prison. But he will be polite as long as your Aura holds.

In dramatically appropriate situations it is possible to try and penetrate your Aura, the opponent must make an opposed Impress rolls as a 3-shot action. You may defend against this.

Cold Fish


You are not easily impressed by charm and whiles. You can use your Impress skill as a defense against the Charm skill.


Trigger Action

You are an inspiration to others. Whenever someone else performs an action, you can use Inspiration to give them an additional bonus die, and this is cumulative with any Fortune points they may spend themselves.

For each person to whom you have a strong emotional tie (loved ones or comrades in arms, most commonly) you can use this for free once per day. Otherwise, each use costs one Fortune point.