Ehlonna (Greyhawk Action)

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Greyhawk Action!

The forest maiden is the goddess of spring, the hunt and of youth. Many elves living among humans favor her. She is also the patron of performing art, shown variously as practitioner, teacher, sponsor, or audience.

Called Ehlenestra by the Elves, to whom she is a goddess of life, innocence, immortality, and the hunt.

To the Flan Ehlonna is the eternal maiden, the divine child, goddess of children, Beory in her girl aspect, and both huntress and prey in the eternal cycle of life.

In the Common pantheon Ehlonna is a goddess of hunters, virgins, and the the symbol of pastoralism to people who revere nature without actually depending on it, the guide and guardian of travelers.

In Synchretism Ehlonna is the goddess of renewal, spring, and youth and also a patron of arts. She is also the protector or travelers. She manifests as Lydia the Suel godess of light and music, Lirr the Oerdian goddess of literature and art, and Fharlanghn the Oerdian god of travel and roads.

Ehlonna (eh-LOHN-nah) is a very old goddess. She combats those who would harm or despoil the forest of its resources and beauty. Shown as either a dark-haired human woman or a golden-haired elf maid (in which form she is known to many as Ehlenestra), she is served by Novelee, a planetar whose heart is so pure it makes unicorns weep. She has a hostile rivalry with Obad-Hai, but is friendly with the elven gods and most good-aligned deities. Her symbol is the unicorn.

The woodlands are a beautiful place full of life. The secrets of the forests should be learned and taught so that people can live in harmony with nature. Those who would harm or exploit the woodlands must be driven out or destroyed. The plants and animals of the forest are things that nature gives as gifts, not things to be stolen.

Most of Ehlonna's clergy are female, whether human, elven, or fey. They live in the forests, are friendly with rangers and druids, and watch for encroaching humanoids, hunters, and loggers. They educate those who wish to live in harmony with the forest, just as the animals do. They are gentle in their first warning to those who would harm the forest and ruthless in stopping those who persist. They travel to spread their teachings or to protect a forest in danger.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Weapon: Longbow or Longsword

Pathfinder Domains

Animal, Glory (Heroism), Good, Plant, Sun (Day).

Pathfinder Traits

Action Domains

Animal, Life, Light, Plant, Spiritual.