Common (Greyhawk)

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Greyhawk (Action)Greyhawk Arms

"Common" is not a culture or people, it is a language and a melange of culture and blood. A mixture of Flan, Oerdian, and Suel with influences from other human and nonhuman cultures. The Oerdian are the outwardly dominant, but the other cultures have many subtle but important influences. The common tounge is basically a debased form of Old Oerdian with Baklunish gramatical influences and a very large vocabulary from many different sources.

Common culture has picked up many good traits from its component peoples and has shown itself to be incredibly successful and hardy, dominating the Flaness, in particular the more urban and progressive central part.

Real-World Models



The common man of today is a pragmatic neutral with a tendency towards law and good. Acting in concert, the culture seems to be lawful good, but individuals are unlikely to give up their freedoms or jump over a chance for some quick personal gain, even at the expense of another. Law and chaos is seen as less important than good and evil.

Cultural Traits

Accepting, Pragmatic, Ambitious, Honest, Outgoing.


Prostitution, Gender equality, Monogamy, Birth control, Relationships outside culture/race.


Incest, Masturbation, Nudity.


Monogamous. Liaisons tolerated. Lineage is by social standing; children inherit the name and identity of either parent. Core family is very strong; extended family is weak.


A hearty mix of divine and arcane magic. Chaotic evil religions are generally illegal, and the arts of enchantment and necromancy are frowned upon. Magic items tend to be practical, enchanted versions of everyday gear.



Name Rank Alignment Sphere Domains
Allitur Lesser LN Propriety Good, Knowledge, Law
Berei Lesser NG Family, Agriculture Good, Plant, Protection
Bleredd Lesser Metal, Mines, Smiths Earth, Fire, Strength
Boccob Greater Magic Knowledge, Magic, Trickery
Celestian Intermediate Space, Stars, Wanderers Knowledge, Travel, Protection
Eruthnul Intermediate CE (CN) Hate, Panic, Slaughter Chaos, Evil, Trickery, War
Fharlanghn Intermediate N (NG) Distance, Travel, Roads Luck, Protection, Travel
Incablous Greater NE Nightmares, Disasters Death, Evil, Destruction
Istus Greater N Fate, Divination, Honesty Chaos, Knowledge, Law, Luck
Iuz Demigiod CE Deceit, Pain, Oppression Chaos, Evil, Trickery
Kord Intermediate CG Athletics, Sport, Courage Chaos, Good, Luck, Strength
Mayaheine Demigod LG Protection, Justice, Valor Good, Law, Protection, War
Myhriss Lesser NG Love, Romance, Beauty Good, Healing, Protection
Nerull Greater NE Death, Darkness, Death, Murder, Underworld Death, Evil, Trickery
Obad-Hai Intermediary N Nature, Freedom, Hunting, Beasts Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Water
Pelor Greater NG Sun, Light, Strength, Healing Good, Healing, Strength, Sun
Rao Greater LG Peace, Reason, Serenity Law, Good, Knowledge
Rudd Demigod CN (CG) Chance, good luck, Skill Chaos, Good, Luck
St Cuthbert LN (LG) Common sense, Wisdom, Zeal, Honesty, Discipline Destruction, Good, Law, Protection, Strength
Tharizdun Intermediate NE Eternal darkness, Decay, Entropy, Malign knowledge, Insanity Destruction, Evi. Knowledge
Wastri Demigod LN (LE) Amphibians, Bigotry, Self-Deception Animal, Law, War
Xan Yae Lesser N Twlight, Shadows, Stealth, Mental power Knowledge, trickery, War
Zagyg Demigod CN (CG) Humor, Eccentricity, Occult, Unpredictability Chaos, Knowledge, Magic
Zodal Lesser NG Mercy, Hope, Benevolence Good, Healing, Protection