Knight (FiD)

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Starfox's Blades in the Dark fan page

Heavily armed and armored, as a knight, you are the warrior elite of feudal nations and mercenary companies alike. Usually drawn from a privileged background—though not of noble blood—you are welcomed in both humble hovels and lavish courts, yet you truly feel at home only in castles and barracks.

Trained from childhood in the use of weapons, armor, and horsemanship, you are a superlative warrior, able to overthrow enemies with sheer power. However, you often sacrifice mobility and finesse, relying on the security of your heavy armor instead.

Touchstones An adaptation of the D&D Knight and the Pathfinder Cavalier. A paladin is usually a Knight multiclassed into Chosen.

A Knight’s Tale (2001), Kingdom of Heaven (2005), Niccolo from Flesh and Blood (1985).

Special Abilities

  1. Argent : You may imbue yourself with spirit energy. Your melee weapons gain potency. You can offer a spirit a promise for mercy, and such a promise is binding for the spirit.
  2. Bodyguard: When you protect a teammate (p 135), take +1d to your resistance roll. You get +1d when you gather info to anticipate immediate threats.
  3. Heroism: When you push Command or Finesse you can do one of the following: engage and disengage at will—insure your mount or vehicle is unharmed—make yourself heard over noise and distance.
  4. Honor: Gain +1d when resisting Prowess and Resolve consequences.
  5. Ironheart: You may expend your Special Armor to reduce harm from an attack in combat or to push yourself during a fight or to inspire others.
  6. Juggernaut : Your load limits are higher. Light: 4. Normal: 8. Heavy: 12.
  7. Thunderer: When you unleash physical violence, it's especially frightening. You gain additional effect when you Command a frightened target or attempt to intimidate others with a show of power.
  8. Vanguard: When you Command a cohort in combat, they continue to fight when they would otherwise break (they're not taken out when they suffer level 3 harm). They gain 1 armor.

Chivalric Encounters

˄ ˅ Lord Ashenbrand, a vicious thug.
˄ ˅ Grayforge, an armorer.
˄ ˅ Runeveil, a mage.
˄ ˅ Talen Crest, a soldier.
˄ ˅ Voss the Leech, a physicker.


☐☐ Breastplate
☐, ☐ Fine hand weapon.
☐☐ Fine heavy weapon.
◯ Heraldry.
◯ Mount.
☐ Shield.
  • Breastplate ☐☐: A metal chest piece with greaves (legs) and vambraces (arms). Functions as armor and stacks with other armor.
  • Fine Hand Weapon ☐: A one handed weapon such as a sword, axe, mace, whip, pistol, sling, or hand crossbow. Includes exotic weapons such as a blackjack, brass knuckles, whip, length of chain, razor-edged fan, or steel-toed boots. This is a masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect.
  • Fine Heavy Weapon ☐☐: A two-handed weapon such as a longsword, greatsword, or pole-arm. This is a masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect.
  • Heraldry ◯: A recognizable symbol of your identity—a painted shield, an embroidered surcoat. You are displaying your heraldry until it breaks, which is represented by using it. Breaking the heraldry allows you to make a resistance roll with no stress cost. Consumable, Playbook
  • Mount ◯: A horse (or other appropriate mount) trained to carry you in battle.
  • Shield ☐: A defensive weapon carried in one hand. Functions as armor and stacks with other armor. Cannot be used with a heavy or off-hand weapon.


  • Every time you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action's attribute.

At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or an attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times.

  • You addressed a challenge using violence or coercion.
  • You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background.
  • You struggled with issues from your vice or traumas during the session.

Starting Actions

Command 1
Finesse 2
4 points by choice, no higher than 2 in any one.