Swashbuckler (FiD)
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As a swashbuckler you are an adventurous warrior out to show your prowess to gain the respect you deserve. With your natural charm and quick blade you make an excellent courtier, officer, diplomat, or sea dog, an adventurer of style and wit.
Only vaguely related to the Pathfinder class of the same name, the swashbuckler is a fencer and charmer.
Special Abilities
- Daredevil: When you roll a desperate action, you get +1d to your roll.
- Dashing: When you fight along with a cohort in combat, they gain extra effect and 1 armor.
- Flamboyant: Push yourself on a daring feat to do one of the following: attract the attention of all—have a moment alone with someone—mysteriously disappear afterwards.
- Idol: Push Consort to do one of the following: find a temporary contact—divert attention from an ally—defuse a tense situation.
- Panache: You may expend your special armor to reduce consequences of an attack or social interaction or to push yourself in a conflict of blades or wit.
- Renaissance Man: Take 2 stress to roll Finesse instead of a different action.
- Steady Hand: You are an expert at finding your way with mounts and vehicles, +1d and improved effect on Finesse checks to ride a vehicle or mount.
- Turn the Tables: When you react to another’s action with blade or wit, you gain +2d, using their momentum to your advantage. You can use Consort from a controlled position to provoke them into acting first, setting them up for your counter.
Dangerous Friends
- ˄ ˅ Ainsley, a swashbuckler.
- ˄ ˅ Finley, an armorer.
- ˄ ˅ Leighton, a courtier.
- ˄ ˅ Rowan, a noble.
- ˄ ˅ Voss, a domestic.
- ☐ Disguised Weapon.
- ☐ Fine Dueling Weapon.
- ☐, ☐ Fine bottle of wine.
- ◯ Fine clothes & jewelry [☐ if carried].
- ◯ Mount.
- ☐ Parrying Instrument
- Disguised Weapon ☐: A weapon that does not appear to be a weapon except under close scrutiny. Examples include cane swords, fighting fans, hair pin daggers, daggers concealed in holy symbols, belt buckles, shoes, and emblems of rank, palm pistols concealed in cutlery, snuff boxes, swagger sticks, or purses. Sashes, belts, or clock chains made to be used as whips or garottes.
- Fine Dueling Weapon ☐: A masterwork light weapon like a rapier, smallsword, or arming sword or an exotic dueling weapon such as a war fan. The fine quality improves the effect. This is often a reward for service or an heirloom from an otherwise impoverished noble background.
- Fine Bottle of Wine ☐: A rare vintage from your personal collection, potent both in its alcohol and its ability to impress.
- Fine Clothes & Jewelry ◯: An outfit that appears to be of such fine make as to pass you off as a noble. If you're carrying this item as a second outfit to change into, it is ☐.
- Mount ◯: A horse (or other appropriate mount) trained to carry you in battle.
- Parrying Instrument ☐: Buckler, main-gauche, gauntlet, hat, cloak or other device used defensively in the off hand. Makes up for some of the weaknesses of Finesse combat against multiple opponents.
- Every time you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action's attribute.
At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or an attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times.
- You addressed a challenge using bravado or elegance.
- You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background.
- You struggled with issues from your vice or traumas during the session.
Starting Actions
- Consort 1
- Finesse 2
- 4 points by choice, no higher than 2 in any one