Ranger (FiD)
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Starfox's Blades in the Dark fan page |
Skilled in tracking foes and gathering vital intelligence, rangers are experts at striking precisely and from a distance. Whether pinpointing an enemy’s location or neutralizing threats before they can act, the Ranger ensures they remain a step ahead of their adversaries.
An adaptation of the Hound playbook from Blades in the Dark. More focused on ranged combat than the D&D ranger. Rangers often multiclass with Animism to become more like ranges in D&D.
Special Abilities
- Focused: You may expend your special armor to resist a consequence of surprise or mental harm (fear, confusion, losing track of someone) or to push yourself for ranged combat or reconnaissance.
- Friend of Nature: You can use Hunt to befriend animals and Non-Sapient creatures native to the natural terrain you are in. Limited outcome to be ignored, standard outcome to gain information, great outcome to make temporary allies.
- Predator: When you gather information about a target, you can ask one additional question about their weaknesses or habits. Gain potency when you engage in combat with a target you have gathered information on.
- Scout: When you gather info to locate a target, you get +1 effect. When you hide in a prepared position or use camouflage, you get +1d to rolls to avoid detection, including Hunt attacks when your location is not known.
- Sharpshooter: When you push yourself on a Hunt attack, you can do one of the following: make a ranged attack at extreme distance beyond what’s normal for the weapon—a shot momentarily halts onlookers—hit an impossibly small mark like a ropes—hit a vital spot for increased effect..
- Spirit Hunter: Your hunting pet is imbued with spirit energy. It gains potency when tracking or fighting the supernatural, and gains an arcane ability: ghost-form, mind-link, or arrow-swift. Take this ability again to choose additional arcane abilities for your pet.
- Survivor: You are an expert at foraging and finding your way in the wild, +1d on all Hunt checks in the wild and improved effect when gathering food. +1d to all crew healing treatment rolls. You and your crew does not need camping gear and can take two downtime actions when camping out.
- Tough as Nails: Penalties from harm are one level less severe (though level 4 harm is still fatal).
Dangerous Friends
- ˄ ˅ Aerin, a bounty hunter.
- ˄ ˅ Elior, a warrior.
- ˄ ˅ Lioran, a herbalist.
- ˄ ˅ Rael, a bounty broker.
- ˄ ˅ Theren, a spy.
- ☐-☐ Fine long range weapon.
- ☐, ☐ Fine short range weapon.
- ☐ Light camping gear.
- ◯ Trained hunting pet cohort.
- ☐ Silver bullets.
- ☐ Spyglass.
- Fine Long Range Weapon: ☐☐ A masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect. This can be a rifle, crossbow, or longbow.
- Fine Short Range Weapon: ☐ A masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect. This can be a hand weapon such as an axe, sword or rapier, or a short range weapons like a sling, hand crossbow, or pistol.
- Light Camping Gear ☐: Bedroll, cooking pot, tarpaulin, fishing line, snares, all personalized and chosen to be lightweight. Roughing it out with this gear allows a single downtime action to remove stress. Lacking this does not allow any effective rest.
- Trained Hunting Pet ◯: Your animal companion obeys your commands and anticipates your actions. It is Intelligent. Cohort (Expert: Hunter). See p 96.
- Silver Bullets ☐: Especially cast in a holy or magical place, these silver bullets make potent attacks with a firearm. A similar effect for bows and crossbows can be gained with silver-tipped arrows and bolts. You have enough silver bullets for the entire score. Consumable, Gadget.
- Spyglass ☐: Telescopic brass tube with lenses, amplifies three to four times. Gadget.
- Every time you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action's attribute.
At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or an attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times.
- You addressed a challenge with reconnaissance or violence.
- You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background.
- You struggled with issues from your vice or traumas during the session.
Starting Actions
- Hunt 2
- Survey 1
- 4 points by choice, no higher than 2 in any one
Gather Information
- What do they intend to do?
- How can I get them to [X]?
- What are they really feeling?
- Where are they vulnerable?
- Where did [X] go?
- How can I find [X]?
- What's really going on here?