Mountebank (FiD)

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Fox in the DarkFox in the Dark logo
Starfox's Blades in the Dark fan page

The Mountebank is a master of deception, a charismatic trickster who uses promises, and sleight of hand to manipulate others. Whether selling snake oil or doing diplomacy, the Mountebank thrives on the art of the con. Some make a somewhat honest living as entertainers, but this is not a good living so most at least have a sideline as tricksters. They are equally at home in both bustling marketplaces and royal courts, using charm, misdirection, and illusion to pull off grand schemes.

An adaptation of the Slide. In D&D this would be a charisma focused rogue, but the match is far from exact.

Special Abilities

  1. Cloak & Dagger: When you use a disguise or other form of covert misdirection, you get +1d to rolls to confuse or deflect suspicion. When you throw off your disguise, the resulting surprise gives you the initiative in the situation. You can choose to stay out of a score at the beginning, only to appear later disguised as a minion of the opposition.
  2. Cosmopolite: You know all the common languages of the setting and can improvise communication in languages you don't know. Gain increased effect on Resolve actions when speaking to someone in their own language who speaks Common as a second language. If an account of languages is desired, you know Common, your racial language, and a number of additional languages equal to the sum of your ratings in Consort, Study, and Sway.
  3. Mesmerism: When you Sway someone, you can cause them to forget that it happened until you remind them. You can always tell when someone is lying. You note when someone is trying to deceive you, but not always in which way.
  4. Rook's Gambit: Take 2 stress to roll your best action rating while performing a different action. Fib about how you adapt your skill to this use.
  5. Social Butterfly: You never roll less than 2d indulging in vice. When indulging in vice you may pick which dice result to use to reduce Weight. For example, if you rolled a 2 and a 5 you could choose to reduce your Weight by either 2 or 5. Your crew also benefits from this if they indulge with you, and can use your vice.
  6. Star: You gain an additional xp trigger: Perform for an audience with scale based on tier (p 221). If your crew helped you, also mark crew xp. Gain +1 stash during payoff if you did this during the score.
  7. Subterfuge: You may expend your special armor to resist a consequence from suspicion or persuasion, or to push yourself for social interaction.
  8. Tete-a-tete: Push a Resolve action to do one of the following: Attract everyone's attention—get a scene alone with someone—learn a secret—escape a location.

Sly Friends

˄ ˅ Bryl, a fixer.
˄ ˅ Batzso, a mercenary captain.
˄ ˅ Klyra, a tavern owner.
˄ ˅ Nyryx, a prostitute.
˄ ˅ Harker, a jail-bird.


☐ Cover identity.
☐ Disguised weapon.
☐, ☐, ☐ Fine Bottle of Wine.
◯ Fine clothes & jewelry [☐ if carried].
☐ Fine disguise kit.
◯ Fine loaded dice, trick cards.
  • Cover Identity ☐: An advanced disguise, personalized outfit, paperwork, planted stories and rumors, and false relationships sufficient to establish a false identity. +2d to maintain this identity. Takes at least an hour to don, so you need to explain this as a part of your plan.
  • Disguised Weapon ☐: A weapon that does not appear to be a weapon except under close scrutiny. Examples include cane swords, fighting fans, hair pin daggers, daggers concealed in holy symbols, belt buckles, shoes, and emblems of rank, palm pistols concealed in cutlery, snuff boxes, swagger sticks, or purses. Sashes, belts, or clock chains made to be used as whips or garottes.
  • Fine Bottle of Wine ☐: A rare vintage from your personal collection, potent both in its alcohol and its ability to impress. Desirable to most people and tends to loosen tunges.
  • Fine Clothes & Jewelry ◯: An outfit that appears to be of such fine make as to pass you off as a noble. If you're carrying this item as a second outfit to change into, it is ☐.
  • Fine Disguise Kit ☐: A theatrical make-up kit equipped with an impressive array of expert appliances to fool the eye. The fine quality of this kit may increase the effect when playing a role or relying on beauty.
  • Fine Loaded Dice, Trick Cards ◯: Gambling accouterments subtly altered to favor particular outcomes. Adds effect, making wins larger.


  • Every time you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action's attribute.

At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or an attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times.

  • You addressed a challenge with deception or influence.
  • You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background.
  • You struggled with issues from your vice or traumas during the session.

Starting Actions

Consort 1
Sway 2
4 points by choice, no higher than 2 in any one.